Straight male escorts helped me to get married
This may be the most awkward post you have ever read. The title says it all and I don’t mean this literarily because it really happened how I put it. I wish there was a way I could make it simpler but I believe you will understand what I mean the moment you read down. My story is an interesting one and I believe you can also apply this principle in your life to magnet the right man that you need because it has shown to be effective a couple of times and I bet your case will not be different.
Studying men over the years have made me understand that men are filled with some kind of ego that is fueled by struggle. During my college days, I discovered that the girls that got the most attention from guys were not really the prettiest in the school but those that had the most male friends. Then, I used to be jealous and ask myself if there was something wrong with the rest of us girls that those guys would have to struggle to have one girl. At a point I began to think about the oddest things that could be the reason for our neglect; was it because we didn’t use good perfumes or we walked differently from the other girls? It was hard for me to figure out.
It was only recently that I read an article that shows that men loves to struggle with other men over a person or thing and that they value any person or thing gotten through a struggle than those they get on a platter of gold. Those girls in college may not have realized this but keeping lots of male friends made them open for struggle among their male friends for that gets the most attention and these struggles drew in more males into the circle. Reading that article was the epiphany that made lighter my search for a partner.
The moment I realized this natural law, I knew that I needed to get as many men as possible close to me. I didn’t want to be the one approaching men for friendship. That will make me look cheap or desperate and I wanted to avoid anything that would send such message – men always brag about their ego not knowing that we girls also have ego to protect. I thought for a while before the idea of engaging straight male escorts struck me. I believed that if I could get as many straight male escorts around me, it would send the desired message.
I began to hire straight male escorts and flaunt them at occasions. The first comments came from my female friends who began to regard me as HOT because of the caliber of guys that was always around me at occasions. I would giggle and say nothing else. For the first few months, it felt like my target will not be met because I desired men around but it was females that kept pouring the compliments but I persisted. Soon after, men began to come around me when I came to a bar alone volunteering to buy me a drink. I enjoyed such moments then it came to the point where two separate guys would approach me and struggle to outdo the other so that I will choose them over the other.
Anyways, most of the early guys that came around in the initial stage mistook me for a hooker because of the way I showed up with a different guy each time I came around the bar. They simply came around to have a taste of me. The second batch of men that came around were those who wanted something more intimate beyond a one night stand. Who says a woman does not have an option to the man she would marry? I had a wide option and had to take my time to weigh their good deeds to know if they actually came from their heart or they were after a short time benefit.